Audio Game - A combination of 🎧 radio play / audiobook and 🎮 Point and Click Adventure Game Awakened Middle Ages Fantasy meets classic fairy tales in a fully interactive audio adventure game: simple Gestures move freely in the game world, lead dialogues, use objects and learn on top of that even powerful spells!As an audio adventure role-playing game, Sound of Magic completely foregoes graphics - but that does not mean you will not see anything! Close your eyes and in your minds eye your own fantasy game world will unfold - bigger and more beautiful than a conventional video game it ever could! 🏰🎧 With pro-speakers known from Hearthstone, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil and many more! 🎮 About 9 hours of play time - Completely in German! At the beginning of the game you wake up without memories in a damp, musty dungeon cell and do not even know how to move ...Will you be stuck there for all eternity? Are you going to get your memories back? Will you learn powerful spells, possess a great castle and a faithful following?We offer you a free demo and you will find out! For whom is Sound of Magic suitable? This humorous adventure is open to anyone with at least a hand, a smartphone and an ear! Similar to a good animated film, it is an adventure for young and old - even if it is laughed at different places.If we had to reveal the recipe of Sound of Magic, it would look like this: 1) Throw atmospheric role-playing games (RPGs), tricky point and click adventure games, classic fairytales, awesome radio plays / audiobooks and exciting puzzles into one pot. Heat this at low flame. 2) Add a pinch of magic and seven dwarf hands of humor. 3) Now fish out the dwarven hands again and pack everything in a cheap audio game! Audiogame what is it? An audio game is a game in which the sound plays a central role - unlike video games in which the image is crucial. We did not invent the term, but shaped it, because Sound of Magic is the most modern and highest quality audio game on the German market. Minimum Requirements: Sound of Magic is very modest and can be played on older devices. The full version needs about 1,4GB of free space on the internal memory. After downloading the full version, the audio game is completely offline in German playable. Barrier-free for blind and visually impaired players: The Audio Game Sound of Magic is completely set to music, does not require a screen reader and can therefore be used without restriction by blind or visually impaired players. More Information & Contact: If you have any problems in the game or need help, contact us!